Victoria’s Citizen Charter 8th Edition View Citizen’s Charter

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Registration and Issuance of Solo Parent I.D.


Birth certificate of the child or children (Category: A1 to F)

Complaint affidavit (Category: A1)

Medical record on the incident of rape (Category: A1)

Marriage Certificate (Category: A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, B)

Affidavit of applicant solo parent (Category: A1 to A7, B, C, D, E)

Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent and has the sole parental care and support of the child/children (Category: A1 to F)

Affidavit of a barangay official attesting that the applicant solo parent is a resident of the barangay and that the child/children is/are under the parental care and support of the solo parent. (Category: A1 to F)

Marriage Certificate, if the applicant is the spouse of the OFW, or birth certificate or other competent proof of the relationship between the applicant and the OFW, if the applicant is a family member of the OFW (Category: B)

Death certificate of the spouse (Category: A2)

Certificate of detention or a certification that the spouse is serving sentence at least 3 months issued by the law enforcement agency having actual custody of the detained spouse, or commitment order issued by the court (Category: A3)

Medical records, medical abstract or a certificate of confinement in the National Center for Mental Health/any medical hospital/facility as a result of the spouse’s physical/mental incapacity or PWD ID (Category: A4)

Judicial decree of legal separation of the spouses or, an affidavit of 2 disinterested persons for de facto separation (Category: A5)

Judicial decree of nullity of marriage or judicial recognition of foreign divorce with marriage contract annotated with the fact of declaration of nullity of marriage or annulment of marriage (Category: A6)

Affidavit of 2 disinterested persons attesting to the abandonment of spouse (Category: A7)

Police or Barangay record of the fact of abandonment (Category: A7)

Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Standard Employment Contract (POEA-SEC) or its equivalent document (Category: B)

Photocopy of the OFW’s passport with stamps showing continuous twelve (12) months of overseas work or a certification from the Bureau of Immigration (Category: B)

Proof of income of the OFW’s spouse or family member (Category: B)

Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR) (Category: C)

Proof of guardianship such as the decision granting legal guardianship issued by a court; proof of adoption such as the decree of adoption issued by a court or order of adoption issued by DSWD or National Authority on Child Care (NACC); proof of foster care such as foster parent license issued by the DSWD or (NACC) (Category: D)

Medical records of her pregnancy (Category: F)

Affidavit of a barangay official attesting that the solo parent is a resident of the barangay and Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent who is providing support to the pregnant woman (Category: A1 to F)

Death Certificate, Certificate of incapacity, or judicial declaration of absence or presumptive death of the parents or legal guardian; police or barangay records evidencing the fact of disappearance or absence of the parent or legal guardian for at least 6 months (Category: A2)

Proof of relationship of the relative to the parent or legal guardian such as birth certificate, marriage certificate, family record or other analogous proof of relationship (Category: E)

2 pcs. 1x1 picture (Category: A1 to F)

Solo Parent Orientation Certificate of Attendance (Category: A1 to F)


City Civil Registrar Office

  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Death certificate
  • Death Certificate, Certificate of incapacity, or judicial declaration of absence or presumptive death

Barangay Hall /Police Station

  • Complaint affidavit
  • Police or Barangay record of the fact of abandonment
  • Affidavit of a barangay official attesting that the solo parent is a resident of the barangay and Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co-parent

City Health Office

  • Medical record on the incident of rape
  • Medical records, medical abstract or a certificate of confinement
  • Medical records of pregnancy

City Legal Office

  • Affidavit of applicant solo parent
  • Sworn affidavit
  • Affidavit of a barangay official attesting that the applicant solo parent is a resident of the barangay and that the child/children is/are under the parental care and support of the solo parent
  • Affidavit of 2 disinterested persons

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)

  • Certificate of detention or a certification that the spouse is serving sentence at least 3 months issued by the law enforcement agency


  • Judicial decree of legal separation
  • Judicial decree of nullity of marriage or judicial recognition of foreign divorce with marriage contract
  • Proof of guardianship
  • Death Certificate, Certificate of incapacity, or judicial declaration of absence or presumptive death of the parents or legal guardian

Philippine Overseas Employment Administration

  • Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Standard Employment Contract

c/o Client

  • Photocopy of the OFW’s passport with stamps
  • Proof of income of the OFW’s spouse or family
  • Proof of relationship of the relative to the parent or legal guardian
  • 2 pcs. 1x1 picture

c/o CSWD

  • Solo Parent Orientation Certificate of Attendance

Client Steps :


Register your name on the logbook

Agency Actions :

Receiving and logging in of clients. Initial interview for client’s needs and refer to the assigned office staff

Fees to be Paid :


Processing Time :

2 minutes

Person Responsible :

Admin. Aide I (Casual Laborer I)


Client Steps :

Application/Intake interview with supported documents

Submit requirements to CSWD Office or to personnel in charge

Agency Actions :

Accept and evaluate documents

Fees to be Paid :


Processing Time :

10 minutes

Person Responsible :

Social Welfare Aide


Client Steps :

Assessment & Orientation

The person in charge interviews and orient or schedule a home visit if necessary to establish his/her eligibility, validate information.

Agency Actions :

Conduct interview, assessment and orientation to client

Fees to be Paid :


Processing Time :

1 hour

Person Responsible :

Social Welfare Aide


Client Steps :

Issuance of SP ID card

The person in charge will inform when to comeback for release of SP ID card duly signed by the social worker and the City Mayor after filling of application.

Agency Actions :

Release Solo Parent ID

Fees to be Paid :


Processing Time :

within 7 days

Person Responsible :

Social Welfare Aide


Osmeña Avenue, Victorias City, Negros Occidental 6119

Other Citizen Services
  • Sidlak Sang Kadalag-an
  • Sidlak Sang Kadalag-an
  • Sidlak Sang Kadalag-an