Victoria’s Citizen Charter 8th Edition View Citizen’s Charter

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City Treasury Office

Nature of ImpositionAmount
Real Property TaxAt a rate of 2% of the Asessed Value
Tax on Transfer of Real PropertyAt a rate of 55% of 1% of the acquisition cost of the property or the fair market value, whichever is higher
Professional TaxPhp 220/300 depends on the profession

Community Tax

For IndividualFor Corporation
Basic Tax of Php 5.00 plus Additional Tax of Php 1.00 for every Php 1,000.00 of income but not to exceed Php 5,000.00Basic Tax of Php 500.00 plus Additional Tax of Php 2.00 for every Php 5,000.00 income but not to exceed Php 10,000.00

Annual Fixed Tax for Delivery Trucks or Vans

Kind of Delivery VehicleTax Per Annum
TrisikadPhp 100.00
Motorized TricyclesPhp 200.00
Mini-cabPhp 300.00
Four (4) wheeler light vehiclePhp 400.00
Four (4) wheeler truckPhp 500.00
Six (6) wheeler truckPhp 600.00
Ten (10) wheeler truckPhp 650.00
Heavy duty truck with trailerPhp 700.00
Nature of ImpositionAmount
Certification of Tax - Clearance per propertyPhp 50.00
Certification of Tax PaymentPhp 50.00
Certification of Other PurposesPhp 50.00
Certification of any document on file Php 50.00 per page
Certified Machine CopyPhp 50.00 per page
Research Fee for Retrieval of Records
Php 20.00 per current year record
Php 30.00 per previous years record

Parking Charges - Private Car/Motor Vehicle

Nature of ImpositionAmount
Four-Wheel Cars/VanPhp 50.00/hr
Note: in excess of the One Hour Parking Time Limit an additional of Php 25.00/hr will be charged
Tricycles Php 30.00/hr
Note: in excess of the One Hour Parking Time Limit an additional of Php 15.00/hr will be charged
MotorcyclesPhp 20.00/hr
Note: in excess of the One Hour Parking Time Limit an additional of Php 10.00/hr will be charged

Parking Charges - Cargo/Delivery Cabs, Vans or Trucks

Nature of ImpositionAmount
Container Van or Heavy Trucks
(Ten-Wheeler to Twelve-Wheeler Trucks)
Php 400.00/2hrs
Note: in excess of the Two Hour Parking Time Limit an additional of Php 150.00/hr will be charged
Light Cargo Van or Truck
(Four-Wheel to Six-Wheeler Trucks)
Php 150.00/hr
Note: in excess of the One Hour Parking Time Limit an additional of Php 75.00/hr will be charged
Mini-CabsPhp 50.00/hr
Note: in excess of the One Hour Parking Time Limit an additional of Php 25.00/hr will be charged

Osmeña Avenue, Victorias City, Negros Occidental 6119

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