for Renewal of Business Permit
Apply for FSIC using the Unified Form with complete documentary requirements.
Check completeness of application and endorse to Fire Code Assessor (FCA). Record to the Official Logbook the name of applicant and owner of the establishment and the time, date of application. In case of lacking requirements, CRO shall immediately inform in writing the applicant of such finding.
10 minutes
Customer Relation Officer (CRO)BFP
Wait for the release of Order of payment (OP).
Assess Fire Code Fees/Taxes and issue assessment and OP.
10 minutes
Fire Code Assessor (FCA) BFP
Pay the assessed amount and submit copy of receipt of payment to CRO.
Receive payment from applicant and compile copy of receipt of payment
10% of all fees charged by BPLO in granting business permit. (other fees/taxes prescribed under RA 9514 and its IRR not assessed and collected during application period will be assessed and collected after regular fire safety inspection).
10 minutes
Fire Code Collecting Agent (FCCA) BFP
Receive Claim Stub.(FSIC for Occupancy and for Business Permit will be issued within a maximum period of 3 days from application if no violation found during inspection.)
Verify if FSIC is still valid or no existing violation of the Fire Code or if the establishment is not in the negative list. Check copy of receipt of payment and record to the logbook the amount paid and Official Receipt Number and date of payment, and issue Claim Stub. A validated FSIC will serve as basis for the BPLO to renew the Business Permit. (Note: The Claim Stub shall be stamped: “New FSIC will be issued on the date of the expiration of existing FSIC)
20 minutes
Customer Relation Officer (CRO) BFP
Assign Fire Safety Inspector and IssueInspection Order.
15 minutes
Chief, FSEU and C/MFM or DFM(In case of Manila, QC and similar cities)
Conduct Fire Safety Inspection and submit After Inspection Report (AIR) and supporting documents to Chief, FSEU, with appropriate findings and recommendations, such as issuance of FSIC/NTC, as the case may be.
3 hours
Fire Safety Inspector (FSI)
Review/evaluate the Findings of FSI and recommend to DFM or C/MFM the issuance of FSIC/NTC as the case maybe.
45 minutes
Chief, Fire Safety Enforcement Unit (FSEU)
Final review/ evaluation of the C, FSEU’s recommendation for disposition.
45 minutes
DFM or C/MFM as the case maybe
Approve and sign three (3) copies of FSIC or NTC as the case may be.
10 minutes
DFM or C/MFM as the case maybe
Record in the Official Logbook the FSIC/NTC number, date approved, validity, name of applicant/owner and name of establishment, OR number and amount paid
10 minutes
CRO, Records Custodian
Owner/Authorized representative presents Claim Stub.
Release FSIC to applicant through the CRO. Serve copy of NTC to the owner in case there is a violation of the Fire Code. Provide duplicate copy of FSIC/NTC to the BPLO
5 minutes
Customer Relation Officer (CRO) BFP
10% of all fees charged by BPLO in granting business permit. (other fees/taxes prescribed under RA 9514 and its IRR not assessed and collected during application period will be assessed and collected after regular fire safety inspection).
Maximum of 1 days
Osmeña Avenue, Victorias City, Negros Occidental 6119